Japanese Coordinator

by Sasikan Rattanayuwakorn in Automotive
Rayong, Rayong, Thailand
THB 35k - THB 60k


Japanese Coordinator, Japanese Translator


-Manage all document handling and translation responsibilities as given.

-Create letters, reports, and materials for publishing and presentations.

-Organize and arrange meetings and conferences, including the President's work calendar.

-Coordinate project-related activity for the appropriate department.

-Actively participate in the company's 5S activities.

-Offer enthusiastic support for all company operations.

-Assist with the preparation of documentation for Japanese visas, passports, work permits, 90-day notification, banking, annual income tax, and other essential documents.

-Collaborate with housing agencies on Japanese resident issues.

-Make preparations to book and issue tickets for international business travels.

-Monitor and supervise the use of mobile packages by Japanese management.

-Help with the transfer of information and duties between Old and New Japanese people, both within and internationally.


  1. Bachelors degree in Japanese, Administration, or related field
  2. At least 5 years in the Secretarial/Management field
  3. Japanese Language proficiency (N3 or above)
  4. Experience doing Visa&Work permit

Sasikan Rattanayuwakorn

Sasikan Rattanayuwakorn

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